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Квитки на наступну конференцію Конференція PHP fwdays'24 вже у продажу!

From Helpers to Middleware

Відео доповіді

Over the past decade, we've seen frameworks bloom, die, be replaced and re-born. We've seen good practices, anti-patterns and generally styles of coding come and go. What's the takeaway from the last decade of framework development? Where are we going? What should we explore next?

We'll look at a brief history of frameworks, at which practices emerged from the various communities, and which of them survived and evolved, as well as recommendations to keep pushing forward.

Marco Pivetta
  • A software consultant at Roave.
  • With over a decade of experience with PHP, he is part of the Zend Framework CR team, Doctrine core team, and is also active in the community as a mentor and supporter.
  • When not coding for work, he usually hacks together new concepts and open source libraries, or simply provides Q&A on Twitter
  • Twitter, GitHub
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