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Analysis and Design Principles within OOP. Inheritance forbiddance problem in a singlethreading PHP [rus]

Talk video

Talk presentation

Why do we often hear that we have to use the "final" directive all over and always? Where does it come from in PHP and why this dogmatic statement should be assumed as a mistake in a PHP realm. Do we have to use a "final" directive within the PHP? In which cases it might be done, when it shouldn't and when it's obligate.

Natalie Nyshta
  • Senior PHP Engineer at Paxful.
  • Has a university degree as a software engineer.
  • Has been employed in the commercial programming industry for 12 years.
  • Has some published articles about design principles and development, and gives lecture courses at work about design principles within OOP.
  • Natalie is that person who can deal with a spaghetti-code and explain to the managers why such an "architecture" is not the best option.
  • LinkedIn, Facebook
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