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Project Tye to Tie .NET Microservices [rus]

Talk video

Talk presentation

In this talk, Oleg will explain and show how you can simplify (and maybe even speed up) the development of modern .NET applications based on micro-service architecture and aimed at deployment in Kubernetes. We will also talk about a young and promising Tye project from Microsoft. We will look at what the Tye project is and how it simplifies the development process, both with examples from several .NET microservices and with more complex examples that involve interaction with external services.

Oleg Karasik
  • Technology Lead at ISsoft.
  • Has been developing .NET for over 10 years. During this time, he’s participated in the development of large (enterprise level) web applications, frameworks, libraries and utilities of varying levels of complexity.
  • In recent years, Oleg has played the role of R&D developer at ISsoft. His work is mainly related to new and promising technologies in the world of .NET and the world of cloud technologies.
  • In addition to direct programming (both at work and at home), from time to time, Oleg publishes interesting (as he hopes) articles in his blog, and once a month publishes a selection (so-called .NET R&D Digest) of articles, books, tools and other materials related to .NET and more.
  • Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Blog.
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